1. 防曬霜英文是有那些
Sunshine is to cause skin aging and form the main factors of skin surface spots, even if it is spring, if allow sunlight insolate ten minutes, the skin can premature aging ten days. Every year, but people really speak sunscreen know all bask in knowledge? Undoubtedly, prevent bask in concept has been more and more Chinese women recognised. Vichy in 2003 to Shanghai women do have a census, already have up to 69 percent of women use sunscreen procts in the summer, and the average use six times a week. This year big brands have launched high prevent bask in value, even if the new sunscreen procts only made the original procts to prevent bask in value increases, all visible for sunscreen market value degree.
2. 防曬衣用英語怎麼說
英文:Rash Guards
3. 防曬服英語怎麼說
防曬服的英文:sun-proof clothing
clothing 讀法 英['kləʊðɪŋ]美['kloðɪŋ]
1、n. (總稱)[服裝] 服裝;帆裝
2、v. 覆蓋(clothe的ing形式);給…穿衣
1、clothing instry服裝工業;制衣業;縫紉業
2、protective clothing防護衣;防護罩,安全罩
3、clothing store服裝店;成衣店
4、clothing factory服裝廠;被服廠
5、card clothing針布;鋼絲布
uniform, clothingsuit, costume, gown這組詞都有「衣服、服裝」的意思,其區別是:
1、ready-made clothing 現成的服裝
2、second-hand clothing 穿過的衣服
3、tailor-made clothing 製作考究的服裝
4、warm clothing 暖和的衣服
4. bioreuv防曬霜多少錢用英語怎麼說
[詞典] how much;
If you help me, I'll pay you anything.
5. 關於介紹防曬霜的英語
Sunscreen (also known as sunblock, suntan lotion) is a lotion, spray or other topical proct that helps protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and which reces sunburn and other skin damage, ultimately leading to a lower risk of skin cancer. However, suntan lotion is an incorrect term for sunscreen as it is something entirely different. Suntan lotion is used to moisturize and maximize UV exposure and tanning, rather than block it. These are commonly called indoor tanning lotions when designed for use with tanning beds or just suntan lotion if designed for outdoor use and may or may not have SPF protection in them.
The best sunscreens protect against both UVB (ultraviolet radiation with wavelength between 290 and 320 nanometres), which can cause sunburn, and UVA (between 320 and 400 nanometres), which damages the skin with more long-term effects, such as premature skin aging. Most sunscreens work by containing either an organic chemical compound that absorbs ultraviolet light (such as oxybenzone) or an opaque material that reflects light (such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide), or a combination of both. Typically, absorptive materials are referred to as chemical blocks, whereas opaque materials are mineral or physical blocks.
Dosing for sunscreen can be calculated using the formula for body surface area and subsequently subtracting the area covered by clothing that provides effective UV protection. The dose used in FDA sunscreen testing is 2 mg/cm².[1] Provided one assumes an "average" alt build of height 5 ft 4 in (163 cm) and weight 150 lb (68 kg) with a 32 in (82 cm) waist, that alt wearing a bathing suit covering the groin area should apply 29 g (approximately 1 oz) evenly to the uncovered body area. Considering only the face, this translates to about 1/4 to 1/3 of a teaspoon for the average alt face.
Contrary to the common advice that sunscreen should be reapplied every 2–3 hours, research has shown that the best protection is achieved by application 15–30 minutes before exposure, followed by one reapplication 15–30 minutes after the sun exposure begins. Further reapplication is only necessary after activities such as swimming, sweating, and rubbing.[2]
However, more recent research at the University of California indicates that sunscreen needs to be reapplied within 2 hours in order to remain effective. Not reapplying could even cause more cell damage than not using sunscreen at all, e to the release of extra free radicals from absorbed chemicals.[3]
Dosing for sunscreen can be calculated using the formula for body surface area and subsequently subtracting the area covered by clothing that provides effective UV protection. The dose used in FDA sunscreen testing is 2 mg/cm².[1] Provided one assumes an "average" alt build of height 5 ft 4 in (163 cm) and weight 150 lb (68 kg) with a 32 in (82 cm) waist, that alt wearing a bathing suit covering the groin area should apply 29 g (approximately 1 oz) evenly to the uncovered body area. Considering only the face, this translates to about 1/4 to 1/3 of a teaspoon for the average alt face.
Contrary to the common advice that sunscreen should be reapplied every 2–3 hours, research has shown that the best protection is achieved by application 15–30 minutes before exposure, followed by one reapplication 15–30 minutes after the sun exposure begins. Further reapplication is only necessary after activities such as swimming, sweating, and rubbing.[2]
However, more recent research at the University of California indicates that sunscreen needs to be reapplied within 2 hours in order to remain effective. Not reapplying could even cause more cell damage than not using sunscreen at all, e to the release of extra free radicals from absorbed chemicals.[3]
Dosing for sunscreen can be calculated using the formula for body surface area and subsequently subtracting the area covered by clothing that provides effective UV protection. The dose used in FDA sunscreen testing is 2 mg/cm².[1] Provided one assumes an "average" alt build of height 5 ft 4 in (163 cm) and weight 150 lb (68 kg) with a 32 in (82 cm) waist, that alt wearing a bathing suit covering the groin area should apply 29 g (approximately 1 oz) evenly to the uncovered body area. Considering only the face, this translates to about 1/4 to 1/3 of a teaspoon for the average alt face.
Contrary to the common advice that sunscreen should be reapplied every 2–3 hours, research has shown that the best protection is achieved by application 15–30 minutes before exposure, followed by one reapplication 15–30 minutes after the sun exposure begins. Further reapplication is only necessary after activities such as swimming, sweating, and rubbing.[2]
However, more recent research at the University of California indicates that sunscreen needs to be reapplied within 2 hours in order to remain effective. Not reapplying could even cause more cell damage than not using sunscreen at all, e to the release of extra free radicals from absorbed chemicals.[3]
The principal ingredients in sunscreens are usually aromatic molecules conjugated with carbonyl groups. This general structure allows the molecule to absorb high-energy ultraviolet rays and release the energy as lower-energy rays, thereby preventing the skin-damaging ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin. So, upon exposure to UV light, most of the ingredients (with the notable exception of avobenzone) do not undergo significant chemical change, allowing these ingredients to retain the UV-absorbing potency without significant photo-degradation.[1]
6. 「防曬」用英語怎麼說
7. 防曬霜用英語怎麼說 sunlight
n. sunblock
sun cream; sunscreen cream; sunblocking cream
8. "防曬"的英文是什麼
讀音:英 ['sʌnskriːn] 美 ['sʌnskriːn]
釋義:n. (防曬油中的)遮光劑;防曬霜
1、She was suntanned quickly just because she forgot to put on any sunscreen.
2、Although I wear a higher SPF sunscreen, I also get tanned under the scorching sun.
1、關鍵詞:Board Spectrum
Board Spectrum中文意思是「廣譜防曬」,也就是能抵禦傷害皮膚的大部分UVA和UVB射線。
總之,防曬的最終目的就是要盡可能多的隔絕UVA和UVB,因此在防曬霜正面要看到有「Board Spectrum」才算進了初選喲!不過,有些產品雖然沒有標注BS,但成分確實存在,也不要著急淘汰它。
9. 塗防曬霜 用英語怎麼翻譯
apply sunscreen cream
apply sun-blocking cream
10. 防曬霜英文是有那些